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Petitions From E-mails

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Have you ever gotten an e-mail that is a petition?
It states a position and asks you to add your name and
address and to forward it to 10 or 15 people or your
entire address book.
The e-mail can be forwarded on and on and can collect
thousands of names and e-mail addresses.
The completed petition is actually worth a couple of bucks
to a professional spammer because of the wealth of valid
names and e-mail addresses contained therein.
If you want to support the petition, send it as your own personal
letter to the intended recipient. Your position may carry more
weight as a personal letter than a laundry list of names and
an e-mail address on a petition.

Just a word to the wise.  Read on ...............
E-mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or
any other municipality.
To be acceptable petitions must have a signed
signature and full address.
Almost all e-mail that ask you to add your name and
forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years
ago that asked people to send business cards to the little
kid in Florida who wants to break the Guinness Book of
Records for the most cards.  All it was and all this e-mail is,
is to get names and "cookie" tracking info for tele-marketers
and spammers to validate active e-mail accounts for their
own purposes. 
Any time you see an e-mail that says forward this on
to "10" of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get
good luck or whatever, has either an e-mail tracker program
attached that tracks the cookies and e-mails of those folks
you forward to or the host sender is getting a copy each time
it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of "active"
e-mails to use in spam e-mails or sell to others that do.

 If you want to forward stuff like this because it's interesting,
take off all the "front" info and all the forwards and
DON'T add your name to them.
Forward this web page address
to others and you will be providing a good service
to your friends and will be rewarded by not getting
thousands of spam e-mails in the future.
There is always doubt if these e-mail petitions ever
accomplished anything.
Now I am going to delete all petitions
no matter what they promote.
There are very very few petitions that allow you to sign up on
the internet and those have specific web sites you must go to in
order to do so.
Give everybody a break by not forwarding all those petitions.

Click below to check it out with the "Truth or Fiction" web site.


Click HERE to find out "How To Forward E-mails"
















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